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What is Bus Rapid Transit? 

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) creates a better, more reliable, and faster trip experience compared to typical bus service. METRO is looking at feasible options to build BRT in Summit County in the next few years.

Fast Frequent ComfortableWhat does Bus Rapid Transit look like?

METRO, along with local City and County partners, are working to identify a designated corridor for BRT service. Once a corridor is identified and funding is secured, Greater Akron could see a BRT investment that improves the transit experience, economic development, and quality of life.

Bus stop labeled with feature

What is Bus Rapid Transit?

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is an advanced, high-quality transit system that delivers safe, fast, and comfortable service. Improvements you may find include fewer stops, traffic signal priority, off-board fare collection, and elevated platforms.

Why do we need Bus Rapid Transit?

BRT will improve access to jobs and services, and address regional growth and opportunity gaps in our community. The convenience of BRT will drive sustainable economic growth patterns close to transit and limit traffic impacts for residents surrounding the dedicated route. BRT will make it easier for residents to access jobs, housing, healthcare, and recreation, and it will support more affordable transportation. With the right features, BRT will be able to avoid the common causes of bus delay, like being stuck in traffic and passengers waiting to pay on board.

How is Bus Rapid Transit funded?

Considering the economic climate and the reality of rising prices that currently impact our community, METRO partners are working to balance this reality with the need to support the community’s desire for enhanced transit options for all. Funding considerations are a top priority and collaboration is required to bring this investment to life. It will require a combination of public and private investment to realize this vision. Funding for BRT infrastructure is needed now and into the future.

Project schedule