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Help Us Save Public Transit Funding!


Thursday, February 9, 2012 9:36:47 AM

Federal funding for American public transportation is in danger!

H.R. 3864 would cut in half current federal investment in public transit. Federal dollars currently drive METRO’s bus fleet replacement, repair and modernization. The more METRO money is spent on capital projects like fleet replacement, the less money is available for things like service expansion and bus shelter installs.

The drastic actions suggested in this measure would severely undermine national transit growth and curtail expansion right here in Akron.

If you want to see public transit stay healthy, please take a moment to send an e-mail to your U.S. Representatives.

You can use the American Public Transit Association's (APTA) handy pre-drafted letter. All you have to do is enter your name and address and click "send".

Please spend a few seconds of your time to help METRO & public transit spend more money on you!